[SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Adoption Versus Transformation
Michael Wollin yahoo@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 11:40:19 UTC
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the term "agile transformation," what would it be?
Ron Jeffries ronjeffries@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 12:20:52 UTC
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the term "agile transformation," what would it be?
It would say, in big bleeding red letters:


I do not think an “Agile transformation” is something that should be undertaken by an organization until they have a number of successful ordinary Agile projects running. If they have those, they won’t be asking for an “Agile transformation” and they’ll almost certainly know what they should do rather than “roll out Agile".


Ron Jeffries
ronjeffries.com <http://ronjeffries.com/>
If it is more than you need, it is waste. -- Andy Seidl
Nancy Van Schooenderwoert vanschoo@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 13:44:42 UTC
Hi Ron,
Post by Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the term "agile transformation," what would it be?
I do not think an “Agile transformation” is something that should be undertaken by an organization until they have a number of successful ordinary Agile projects running. If they have those, they won’t be asking for an “Agile transformation” and they’ll almost certainly know what they should do rather than “roll out Agile".
Ron Jeffries
If it is more than you need, it is waste. -- Andy Seidl
Thanks for the wise words!

I'd like to elaborate a little. I've found clarity on this in 2
places recently:

1. The Scrum Alliance interview with Roger Martin where he contrasts the
analytical and the intuitive mind in Design Thinking

2. Kuhn's book "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" on how progress is
non-linear. I like this passage that is not from his book but from a
summary of it at

"But what really set the cat among the philosophical pigeons was one
implication of Kuhn's account of the process of paradigm change. He
argued that competing paradigms are "incommensurable": that is to say,
there exists no objective way of assessing their relative merits.
There's no way, for example, that one could make a checklist comparing
the merits of Newtonian mechanics (which applies to snooker balls and
planets but not to anything that goes on inside the atom) and quantum
mechanics (which deals with what happens at the sub-atomic level). But
if rival paradigms are really incommensurable, then doesn't that imply
that scientific revolutions must be based – at least in part – on
irrational grounds? In which case, are not the paradigm shifts that we
celebrate as great intellectual breakthroughs merely the result of
outbreaks of mob psychology?

- njv
Agile hardware? Yes! Agile safety-critical Embedded Systems too

Nancy Van Schooenderwoert, Lean-Agile Partners Inc.

US mobile: 781 301 1822 ***@leanagilepartners.com
Twitter: @vanschoo http://www.leanagilepartners.com
Michael Wollin yahoo@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 15:02:49 UTC
Yeah, Ron, but what do you REALLY think?

On Oct 10, 2015, at 5:20 AM, Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the term "agile transformation," what would it be?
It would say, in big bleeding red letters:


I do not think an “Agile transformation” is something that should be undertaken by an organization until they have a number of successful ordinary Agile projects running. If they have those, they won’t be asking for an “Agile transformation” and they’ll almost certainly know what they should do rather than “roll out Agile".


Ron Jeffries
If it is more than you need, it is waste. -- Andy Seidl
Michael Wollin yahoo@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 15:56:31 UTC
Here is the situation at hand:

The vendor already positioned the engagement as transformation. In reality, we are actually doing what you say, piloting agile with a few selected projects as a realistic first step. It's not a company roll out, yet, however that's the long term hope of our internal sponsors.

But we have a meeting with the CFO and we have an opportunity to impact a major impediment, by seeing what can be done with portfolio management and governance (i.e. stable teams doing one project at a time). To quote, "Doing one thing at a time gets more things done." It's a big problem here and changing that will win a lot of middle management hearts and minds. I may plant the seed for a future conversation about annual performance reviews, etc., but that at least creates a space for the portfolio WIP conversation.

As well, I don't think it's too early to be prophylactically talking about creating a "blame free" environment that tolerates small failure as a learning gift, and that we hope to be able to expose and deal with systemic structural and cultural impediments safely when they come up.

Is this still to far a reach in your view?

Perhaps I'm just tired of AINO. I want to leave them with some tangible improvement in their day-to-day lives.


On Oct 10, 2015, at 8:02 AM, Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Yeah, Ron, but what do you REALLY think?

On Oct 10, 2015, at 5:20 AM, Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the term "agile transformation," what would it be?
It would say, in big bleeding red letters:


I do not think an “Agile transformation” is something that should be undertaken by an organization until they have a number of successful ordinary Agile projects running. If they have those, they won’t be asking for an “Agile transformation” and they’ll almost certainly know what they should do rather than “roll out Agile".


Ron Jeffries
If it is more than you need, it is waste. -- Andy Seidl
Ron Jeffries ronjeffries@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 18:40:15 UTC
Hi Michael,
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
The vendor already positioned the engagement as transformation. In reality, we are actually doing what you say, piloting agile with a few selected projects as a realistic first step. It's not a company roll out, yet, however that's the long term hope of our internal sponsors.
But we have a meeting with the CFO and we have an opportunity to impact a major impediment, by seeing what can be done with portfolio management and governance (i.e. stable teams doing one project at a time). To quote, "Doing one thing at a time gets more things done." It's a big problem here and changing that will win a lot of middle management hearts and minds. I may plant the seed for a future conversation about annual performance reviews, etc., but that at least creates a space for the portfolio WIP conversation.
Yes. ISTM it is easy to show that one project at a time works better — IF they believe that the projects will ship on time. If not, a little progress on everything may seem better.
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
As well, I don't think it's too early to be prophylactically talking about creating a "blame free" environment that tolerates small failure as a learning gift, and that we hope to be able to expose and deal with systemic structural and cultural impediments safely when they come up.
Worth a try ...
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Is this still to far a reach in your view?
I doubt that you’ll succeed in transforming the organization, but you might make some people’s lives better.
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Perhaps I'm just tired of AINO. I want to leave them with some tangible improvement in their day-to-day lives.

Ron Jeffries
ronjeffries.com <http://ronjeffries.com/>
There's no word for accountability in Finnish.
Accountability is something that is left when responsibility has been subtracted.
--Pasi Sahlberg
Adam Sroka adam.sroka@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 19:14:02 UTC
Post by Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I doubt that you’ll succeed in transforming the organization, but you
might make some people’s lives better.
Right. "Agile Tranformation" and "Organizational Transformation" are just
marketing terms. What you can actually do is uplift teams and individuals.
Also, if you can get the leadership to recognize that uplifting teams and
individuals is valuable it can have a big impact on the organization, but
it doesn't "transform" it per se.
Eric Gunnerson Eric.Gunnerson@microsoft.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-11 00:39:50 UTC
The problem I have with the “agile transformation” is that it implies that you just toss out all the old process, replace it with new process, and everything is fine; the organization makeover is done.

Big changes are risky changes. It makes no sense it all to bite off a change across all of the org when you can do it in small steps.

From: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 12:14 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Adoption Versus Transformation

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org<mailto:***@acm.org> [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] <***@yahoogroups.com<mailto:***@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

I doubt that you’ll succeed in transforming the organization, but you might make some people’s lives better.

Right. "Agile Tranformation" and "Organizational Transformation" are just marketing terms. What you can actually do is uplift teams and individuals. Also, if you can get the leadership to recognize that uplifting teams and individuals is valuable it can have a big impact on the organization, but it doesn't "transform" it per se.
Tobias Mayer tobiasgmayer@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 20:35:47 UTC
Ron, if the word Agile were removed, would you still be opposed to the idea

of transformation?

Personally I like the concept of transformation. It is about intent. It is
about moving, transitioning, from a state of dissatisfaction to one of
satisfaction—in most software businesses from a culture of fear, sadness,
distraction and struggle to one of courage, kindness, engagement and
effectiveness. This is very different to adding processes or practices to
our existing way of doing things.

If there's a difference between adoption and transformation I think that is
it: intent. Adoption is safe, but burdensome. Transformation is risky, yet
creates a lightness of spirit. Adoption holds on, transformation lets go.

Michael, you asked for a single slide. I saw that as a challenge :) I came
up with this
<Loading Image...&si=4690409510404096&pi=ac1ddde1-3122-4436-e8c5-9c8fb04b64bb>

Tobias Mayer
Facilitator/Coach at Business Craftsmanship
Author of The People's Scrum

Curator of the Agile Library
tobiasgmayer@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 16:16:50 UTC
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
It's not a company roll out, yet, however that's the long term hope of our internal sponsors.
Here I think I'm aligned with Ron (and many others). The idea of an Agile "roll out" is absolutely horrible. Imposing anything on a workforce is surely the anathema of Agile. To impose Agile... well, you see the ugly irony.

I like the term "transformation" as it indicates an intent. I prefer it without the "Agile" label. Agile can be a part of the transformation, which I'd hope, in essence, would be a transformation away from a hurtful, ineffective, disengaging environment towards a kind, effective and engaging one. You cannot roll that out, you can only nurture it.

Alexander Kriegisch Kriegisch@Scrum-Master.de [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-13 16:25:56 UTC
There used to be the term "agile transition". I still like it. It sounds less like an instant, magic transformation but like the hell of a lot of work and time it actually takes. It is a process.
Alexander Kriegisch
Post by ***@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
It's not a company roll out, yet, however that's the long term hope of our internal sponsors.
Here I think I'm aligned with Ron (and many others). The idea of an Agile "roll out" is absolutely horrible. Imposing anything on a workforce is surely the anathema of Agile. To impose Agile... well, you see the ugly irony.
I like the term "transformation" as it indicates an intent. I prefer it without the "Agile" label. Agile can be a part of the transformation, which I'd hope, in essence, would be a transformation away from a hurtful, ineffective, disengaging environment towards a kind, effective and engaging one. You cannot roll that out, you can only nurture it.
Yves Hanoulle mailing@hanoulle.be [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 15:21:55 UTC
Hi Michael,

Why makes you state that Ron is not thinking that?


Post by Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Yeah, Ron, but what do you REALLY think?
I you were to make one slide for the C-suite to explain why we use the
term "agile transformation," what would it be?
I do not think an “Agile transformation” is something that should be
undertaken by an organization until they have a number of successful
ordinary Agile projects running. If they have those, they won’t be asking
for an “Agile transformation” and they’ll almost certainly know what they
should do rather than “roll out Agile".
Ron Jeffries
If it is more than you need, it is waste. -- Andy Seidl
Yves Hanoulle
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Ron Jeffries ronjeffries@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-13 20:23:00 UTC
I believe that was a subtle way of saying I wasn’t very subtle 

Post by Yves Hanoulle ***@hanoulle.be [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Why makes you state that Ron is not thinking that?
Ron Jeffries
ronjeffries.com <http://ronjeffries.com/>
Sometimes you just have to stop holding on with both hands, both feet, and your tail, to get someplace better.
Of course you might plummet to the earth and die, but probably not: you were made for this.
Michael Wollin yahoo@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-13 20:31:03 UTC
From a fan. :)

On Oct 13, 2015, at 4:23 PM, Ron Jeffries ***@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I believe that was a subtle way of saying I wasn’t very subtle 

Post by Yves Hanoulle ***@hanoulle.be [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
Why makes you state that Ron is not thinking that?
tobiasgmayer@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 16:01:45 UTC
Ron, If you drop the word "Agile", is there anything inherently wrong in seeking to transform? I don't think so. I certainly prefer the idea of transformation—moving from what we are now to what we strive to become, rather than just adding (adopting) practice after practice.

the attached is one idea for illustrating the difference between adoption and transformation.

Ron Jeffries ronjeffries@acm.org [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-13 20:21:49 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
If you drop the word "Agile", is there anything inherently wrong in seeking to transform? I don't think so. I certainly prefer the idea of transformation—moving from what we are now to what we strive to become, rather than just adding (adopting) practice after practice.
We transform by doing new things, not just thinking them. So transformation by adopting practice thoughtfully is a good way to change ourselves and perhaps the only way.

As for transforming organization, I think it’s a good way to make money and that after the wind of transformation passes through, the organization remains. I expanded on related thoughts i <http://ronjeffries.com/articles/015-sep/indiv-inter/>n this article on individuals and interactions <http://ronjeffries.com/articles/015-sep/indiv-inter/>.

I’d like to be wrong and surely there may be exceptions.

Ron Jeffries
ronjeffries.com <http://ronjeffries.com/>
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way. -- Jessica Rabbit
tobyanon@yahoo.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-11 01:28:40 UTC
Ron, if the word Agile were removed, would you still be opposed to the idea of transformation?

Personally I like the concept of transformation. It is about intent. It is about moving, transitioning, from a state of dissatisfaction to one of satisfaction—in most software businesses from a culture of fear, sadness, distraction and struggle to one of courage, kindness, engagement and effectiveness. This is very different to adding processes or practices to our existing way of doing things.

If there's a difference between adoption and transformation I think that's what it is: intent. Adoption is safe, but burdensome. Transformation is risky, yet creates a lightness of spirit. Adoption holds on, transformation lets go.

Michael, you asked for a single slide. I saw that as a challenge :) I came up with this http://t.sidekickopen25.com/e1t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7lC8dDMPbW2n0x6l2B9nMJW7t5XX43Mq94vVd_-S02lqB7pW4r64V67lZ_8Bf1f4B6j04?t=http%3A%2F%2Fbusinesscraftsmanship.com%2Fimg%2Fadoption-transformation.png&si=4690409510404096&pi=ac1ddde1-3122-4436-e8c5-9c8fb04b64bb.


'Steve Ash' steve@ootac.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-10-10 13:27:37 UTC
Here here!!

Steve Ash
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