Someone comes to the Internet for advice and we are supposed to be nice to
was a bad idea to start with. So are HR departments.
your nose over bad ideas daily. My hat is off to Michael. They literally
could not pay me enough money...
+100 to George's comments. I respect Michael, George, and Tobias, but I
think we are pouncing too hard here. If Michael was some command and
control Project Manager thinking he understands Scrum, I might be more
sympathetic to pouncing. But he is not that, and has proven so on this
list and in other forums. So, I'm going to chalk this up to everyone
having the best of intentions, and a miscommunication between the parties.
We all are in "buffer overload" mode at times, and we recognize that is
unsustainable and sub optimal. But accidents happen... and uncertainty...
and complexity... etc.
Personally I would think that Michael would be an idiot not to look
elsewhere for starting point ideas. Someone posted some sort of snarky
"let me google this for you" type thing, unprofessional and uncalled for,
IMO. When I come to this and similar lists, I want BETTER than Google.
The amount of trash on the internet, esp wrt Scrum, is alarming. I give
kudos to Michael to coming to one of the best forums in the world on this
subject... and for wanting... BETTER than Google.
How about we all be a little bit nicer? And Michael, to be fair, it might
help buy some good will with responders if you indicate the efforts you
have gone to prior to coming to our awesome forum for help -- just so we
know that you've done some of your own homework first, and so that we don't
repeat your efforts. OTOH, your original request was uber nice. Kudos for
that my friend! I wish you well, and... *Scrum On!*
Would *someone be kind enough* to forward me a decent job description for
a ScrumMaster SUITABLE for submitting to a corporate HR to process as a
contractor requisition? I *appreciate the help.*
Charles Bradley
Chief Executive Officer
Professional Scrum Trainer <>
Agile Software - Training, Consulting, Coaching
*Sent:* Wednesday, January 13, 2016 8:24 AM
*Subject:* Re: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] ScrumMaster Job Description
Hey, everyone,
I think the hard time you're giving Michael is unwarranted. He's not
some newby trying to follow a formula. It's quite clear to me that he's
looking to colleagues for inspiration on a rather mundane task that's
not central to his coaching, but necessary to help in the context in
which he currently finds himself.
If a group within an org wants to hire a Scrummaster, they probably have
to deal with the HR department. That HR department wants a Job
Description for their processes and advertisements. The work of a
Scrummaster varies a lot, so it's hard to write a succinct job
description that covers the bases, doesn't limit the role, and might
attract people with the right skills and attitudes, all while not
triggering corporate antibodies.
I would find it time-consuming to write this from scratch, and would
feel that I had bigger fish to fry than this one document. I, also,
would ask friends for advice and examples that would help me develop my
thoughts. There are plenty of obviously terrible examples on the job
boards, but I've never searched them for good examples.
Michael, I suggest trying at the Google Group "Lonely Coaches Sodality."
It's specifically designed for coaches who sometimes need fellow coaches
for feedback and ideas.
- George
Post by *** [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]Hm, I don't know many people who seek advice from a juggler. Unless they
also want to juggle. Are you teaching juggling?
The plate-spinning metaphor is a very dangerous oneâa very old-think,
project-management metaphor in fact. A good manager, or coach has
massive amounts of slack. Busy-ness and multitasking are the enemies of
Agility. We work in the knowledge industry. What we need then is time to
think, to be still, to ponder. We need to create space, not action. If
you really want to hire someone good, then give yourself time to do
this, and do it well. There are no templates for this.
Sorry to be preachy, but I feel very strongly that when we start looking
for formulas, or even to take someone else's work and try to apply it
wholesale to our own work we completely miss the point of what we are
trying to do... In the words of the Scrum Alliance, to "transform the
world of work".
* George Dinwiddie *
Software Development
Consultant and Coach
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