Hallo All,(I'm taking the liberty to answer)Oh what a knotty problem this is!   Â
  Trite, even in 2017!
It will be critical that the client is in a 'listening' mode for the answer to be effective.
The explication I'd make is:0. This is waterfall.
1. W/F is a singularly poor approach to s/w development, amongst many reasons, a critical one is the fact that, we are trying to find "all/most" the issues at the worst possible time (at the end) of the project; by testing at the END.
2. So pushing testing activities to the future is reducing recovery (from mistakes) time for the entire project.
3. Testers can contribute more usefully by collaborating with programmers, in finding more bugs earlier, increasing efficiencies (and also effectiveness) for the entire group.
Potentially political hot-potato + a mild tirade
Ofcourse there are a couple of another aspects, but difficult to tell, when and with whom the following can be brought up:
1. QA managers sometimes think/believe that just finding a lot of bugs (never mind the relevance/impact) and flaging them at any point in time is their job, and to some gives a sense of power, The delivery to customers can go hang. So the purpose of the project is besides the point for such people. Partly the problem is with the incentives that have been set for the last decade or so, industry wide.
2. The reluctance to automate testing, and too much specialisation.....here in India we even have several species of testers (Manual, automated, front-end, performance... etc), with a deep belief that they are completley different animals (I notice they often don't even have lunch together, they might fear being eaten by the other type of animal)
3. Automation of testing doesn't mean 100% of testing activity is automated.
Anyway, people have to read Brian Marick, James Bach, Cem Kaner and James Whittaker, to understand 'testing'. An observant reader would have noted that I've studiously avoid the term 'QA' so far. "Quality Assurance" is heavily a process ownership role; This role has effectively disappeared from the landscape of the industry, though many are the people who approriate this into their title. The so called 'agile coaches' , or even better "Scrum Masters" or EACs (Enterprise Agile Coaches) might have partly covered it, but then many of them haven't really heard of Marick, Bach and Whittaker, have they?
And the poignant aspect here is: if people understand TDD well, then many of these Qs wouldn't really be head-scratchers in 2017, would they?
PS: BTW, what is being suggested by the orginator of this question, is not parallel 'testing', but 'sequential' testing, isn't it?
From: "Michael Wollin ***@mercurysw.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 31 August 2017 1:49 AM
 Got this from a colleague. Curious what you all think I might tell him:
Hi Michael,
I had a question come up from a potential client and was wondering what your response to this would be, since you've led sessions about what to say to a reluctant developer: What do you say to a QA manager that thinks QA work should be done outside (after) the sprint? This individual maintains that there is not enough time in a two-week sprint to do both the development and QA work, unless the stories are made so small there is little to test, and that they should be done sequentially (they obviously have a very waterfall-like process of dev completing their work and then handing a story off in its entirety to QA.) What would you tell this person to bring them on-board with the idea of the whole team completing their work within the time box of the sprint?
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