Yeah, you can certainly add another framework to Scrum for this kind of
stuff if you need to to suit your context. However, a small team that is
risk management that it needs to.
Risks and issues still exist and need to be 'managed' by someone - in my
world it is the Scrum Master or Agile Project Manager. In fact that takes
up most of their time.
The only Agile Framework that I know of that addresses risk 'adequately' is DSDM.
They have a Project Approach Questionaire (PAQ) which used to be called
Appendix B project Approach Questionnaire (PAQ) | DSDM CONSORTiUM
[image: image]
Appendix B project Approach Questionnaire (PAQ) | DS...
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Agile Risk Management and DSDM | DSDM CONSORTiUM
[image: image]
Agile Risk Management and DSDM | DSDM CONSOR...
We are delighted to announce the publication of this new pocketbook
written by Dr. Alan Moran of the Agile Risk Management Institute. To quote
from ...
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Just replace 'DSDM' with Scrum, Kanban etc; the points are valid for all
Agile Frameworks including bespoke ones
I just add the PAQ to the project risk log and 'crunch the numbers' just
like any other 'normal' risks; some 'normal' risks disappear because you
are Agile, in fact some Agile and normal risks contradict each other ie in
Waterfall it is a risk NOT to have a detailed requirements spec 'upfront',
whereas in Agile, it is a specific risk to have a detailed spec.
The risk log/PAQ MUST be looked at by the Dev Team, SM and PO every Sprint
Planning event to remind themselves of changes in risks discovered and any
that may become issues during the Sprint and plan accordingly.
Who should be responsible? Well the Dev Team have the joint
responsibility but they should be getting on with the development; the PO
usually will not have the skills or time; so that leaves the SM who as
'servant leader' is best placed to do the risk mangement.
Hope this helps