None of the guides you cite say that the team has to be in the same room.
If I wrote something that states or implies such a requirement, I
Distributed teams can be successful. They simply have a communication
handicap to overcome.
Here is a true story about Agile Manifesto Principle number 6. It is
possible for such a story to happen using instant messaging or video tools
and so on. I have yet to see it happen like this with such tools.
Agile Manifesto Principle #6
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and
within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
A true story
At an Agile Coaching engagement, my desk was located among the teams in a
open office. My desk faced one of the team's testers, with other team
members in the rows near us. One afternoon the tester spoke up to one of
the programmers a few desks away.
*Tester*: Hey, [Coder], this font here is incorrect.
*Coder*: (Not looking up from his screens) No it's not.
*Tester*: Yes, it is. Look at it.
*Coder*: Sigh. (Gets up and comes to Tester's desk, looks at his screen)
No, that's the right font.
*Product Owner*: (Gets up from her desk behind me, looks at Tester's
screen) Yeah, I don't think that is the right font. What font should it be?
*Tech Writer*: (Sitting with her back to the Tester) Just check the wire
frame, it says what the font is supposed to be. Here, I'll look it up.
(Types and click briefly) It's supposed to be Garamond.
*Tester*: Yep, that's what I'm saying, it's the wrong font.
*Coder*: OK, give me a minute. (Goes to his desk, clicks and types) OK,
check that when the build finishes.
*Tester*: Looks good now.
Everyone goes back to their desks and resumes whatever.
Face-to-face is not only about a face on a screen, though that is better
than no face view at all. It's about being together and efficiently
communicating in the now. Collaboration can happen using tools and such.
And it's so much easier when the team is actually together.
Yes, the business world is mostly convinced that remote, distributed and
dispersed is how it must be. There is a significant cost to that model.
That cost may be acceptable or even necessary. This Principle #6 reminds us
of the cost we pay when we are not together.
Post by *** [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]Alan - can you tell us where in the Agile Manifesto, the Agile Principles
or the Scrum Guide, it says that the team have to be in the same room?
I think you may find that this 'same room' mentality comes from the early
days of XP but the Agile movement has moved on (forgive the pun!).
I have regularly coached and mentored successful Agile teams with global
distribution; daily stand-ups with team, stakeholder and management members
in Tokyo, Beijing, San Diego and Helsinki.