Dare festivals
Jean Richardson
11 years ago
Is anyone aware of what Jurgen Appelo is pitching as "DARE festivals?" The
web site for darefest.org can hardly even be considered a skeleton. Has
anyone been to one of these festivals or have any idea what makes them
different or attractive---other than the association with Appelo?

--- Jean


Jean Richardson

Azure Gate Consulting

~ Repatterning the Human Experience of Work


(503) 788-8998

Michael Vizdos
11 years ago

Have a conversation with him.

Go to the source.

If you would like an intro let me know.

Thank you.

Mike Vizdos
Is anyone aware of what Jurgen Appelo is pitching as “DARE festivals?”
The web site for darefest.org can hardly even be considered a skeleton.
Has anyone been to one of these festivals or have any idea what makes them
different or attractive---other than the association with Appelo?
--- Jean
*[image: gate.site.jpg]*
*Jean Richardson*
Azure Gate Consulting
*~ **Repatterning the Human Experience of Work*
(503) 788-8998
Jean Richardson
11 years ago
Michael, I have actually already gone to the source. I am waiting for a
response. I was also interested in the opinion of the community. I see
Yves has made the same assumption you did. --- Jean

From: ***@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:***@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Vizdos
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 7:59 AM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Dare festivals


Have a conversation with him.

Go to the source.

If you would like an intro let me know.

Thank you.

Mike Vizdos

On Jan 6, 2014 10:41 AM, "Jean Richardson" <***@azuregate.net> wrote:

Is anyone aware of what Jurgen Appelo is pitching as "DARE festivals?" The
web site for darefest.org can hardly even be considered a skeleton. Has
anyone been to one of these festivals or have any idea what makes them
different or attractive---other than the association with Appelo?

--- Jean


Jean Richardson

Azure Gate Consulting

~ Repatterning the Human Experience of Work


(503) 788-8998

ENT%20FILES/Jean%20Richardson/***@AzureGate.net> ***@AzureGate.net
Michael Vizdos
11 years ago

Good to hear. Have a great day!

Thank you.

Mike Vizdos
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