[SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a really good one?
eduardo.sucena@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-09 03:41:57 UTC
Hello Team.

The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned during the last 4 years that I am running Scrum.

I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it, and of course, if you could give me more tips.

Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/

Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace


How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Mee... http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/ The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the hardest event in Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the development team learns about the pr...

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Eric Gunnerson Eric.Gunnerson@microsoft.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-09 16:23:28 UTC
A few thoughts

My last team took a journey from 4 week sprints to 2 week iterations to 1 week iterations. We might have gone shorter if we were still together as a team.

What we found is that the effort to plan a iteration does not scale linearly. Planning a one-week sprint is very quick; we have some leftover work that didn’t quite get done from the last iteration and then we have to figure out what is next on the backlog. The first week of a two-week sprint is of course the same as the one-week planning, but the next week out is more vague; you aren’t quite a sure what should come next and it’s more likely external events (user feedback or new priorities) will disrupt the schedule. And four weeks makes things much more vague and it makes it harder for the team to engage.

We didn’t attempt to put a number on the ratio, but if I was forced to I think it’s not 1:2:4 (linear) scaling but something like 1:3:10; it takes 3 times as much effort to do two-week planning and 10 times as much to do four-week planning.

From: ***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:42 PM
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a really good one?

Hello Team.

The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned during the last 4 years that I am running Scrum.

I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it, and of course, if you could give me more tips.

Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts<http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>

Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace


How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Mee... <http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>
The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the hardest event in Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the development team learns about the pr...

View on getscrum.com <http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>

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Michael James mj4scrum@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-09 16:51:43 UTC
I like Eric’s observation. Planning a short Sprint is less work, less anxiety. Instead of trying to plan better, let’s try to adapt better.
Post by Eric Gunnerson ***@microsoft.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
A few thoughts

My last team took a journey from 4 week sprints to 2 week iterations to 1 week iterations. We might have gone shorter if we were still together as a team.
What we found is that the effort to plan a iteration does not scale linearly. Planning a one-week sprint is very quick; we have some leftover work that didn’t quite get done from the last iteration and then we have to figure out what is next on the backlog. The first week of a two-week sprint is of course the same as the one-week planning, but the next week out is more vague; you aren’t quite a sure what should come next and it’s more likely external events (user feedback or new priorities) will disrupt the schedule. And four weeks makes things much more vague and it makes it harder for the team to engage.
We didn’t attempt to put a number on the ratio, but if I was forced to I think it’s not 1:2:4 (linear) scaling but something like 1:3:10; it takes 3 times as much effort to do two-week planning and 10 times as much to do four-week planning.
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:42 PM
Subject: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a really good one?
Hello Team.
The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned during the last 4 years that I am running Scrum.
I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it, and of course, if you could give me more tips.
Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts <http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>
Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace
How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Mee... <http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>
The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the hardest event in Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the development team learns about the pr...
View on getscrum.com <http://getscrum.com/2015/07/06/how-to-make-a-really-good-scrum-sprint-planning-meeting-valueable-tips-and-shortcuts/>
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Cass Dalton cassdalton73@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-09 17:02:36 UTC
That may be why I like mid-sprint grooming sessions. You're essentially
doing the grooming/pre-planning with new information you have from the
first half of the sprint.
Post by Michael James ***@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
I like Eric’s observation. Planning a short Sprint is less work, less
anxiety. Instead of trying to plan better, let’s try to adapt better.
A few thoughts

My last team took a journey from 4 week sprints to 2 week iterations to 1
week iterations. We might have gone shorter if we were still together as a
What we found is that the effort to plan a iteration does not scale
linearly. Planning a one-week sprint is very quick; we have some leftover
work that didn’t quite get done from the last iteration and then we have to
figure out what is next on the backlog. The first week of a two-week sprint
is of course the same as the one-week planning, but the next week out is
more vague; you aren’t quite a sure what should come next and it’s more
likely external events (user feedback or new priorities) will disrupt the
schedule. And four weeks makes things much more vague and it makes it
harder for the team to engage.
We didn’t attempt to put a number on the ratio, but if I was forced to I
think it’s not 1:2:4 (linear) scaling but something like 1:3:10; it takes 3
times as much effort to do two-week planning and 10 times as much to do
four-week planning.
*Sent:* Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:42 PM
*Subject:* [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a really
good one?
Hello Team.
The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned during the
last 4 years that I am running Scrum.
I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it, and of
course, if you could give me more tips.
Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint
Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts
Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace
[image: image]
How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Mee...
The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the hardest event in
Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the development team learns about the
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George Dinwiddie lists@idiacomputing.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-09 19:48:37 UTC
Yes, and that grooming/pre-planning can be effectively done with a
subset of the team members if it results in clear acceptance scenarios
that help describe the acceptance criteria to the rest of the team. This
is a fundamental aspect of a successful Three Amigos process, in my

- George
Post by Cass Dalton ***@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
That may be why I like mid-sprint grooming sessions. You're essentially
doing the grooming/pre-planning with new information you have from the
first half of the sprint.
I like Eric’s observation. Planning a short Sprint is less work,
less anxiety. Instead of trying to plan better, let’s try to adapt
On Jul 9, 2015, at 9:23 AM, Eric Gunnerson
A few thoughts
__ __
My last team took a journey from 4 week sprints to 2 week
iterations to 1 week iterations. We might have gone shorter if we
were still together as a team.____
__ __
What we found is that the effort to plan a iteration does not
scale linearly. Planning a one-week sprint is very quick; we have
some leftover work that didn’t quite get done from the last
iteration and then we have to figure out what is next on the
backlog. The first week of a two-week sprint is of course the same
as the one-week planning, but the next week out is more vague; you
aren’t quite a sure what should come next and it’s more likely
external events (user feedback or new priorities) will disrupt the
schedule. And four weeks makes things much more vague and it makes
it harder for the team to engage.____
__ __
We didn’t attempt to put a number on the ratio, but if I was
forced to I think it’s not 1:2:4 (linear) scaling but something
like 1:3:10; it takes 3 times as much effort to do two-week
planning and 10 times as much to do four-week planning.____
__ __
*Sent:*Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:42 PM
*Subject:*[SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a
really good one?____
__ __
Hello Team.
The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned
during the last 4 years that I am running Scrum.
I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it,
and of course, if you could give me more tips.
Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum
Sprint Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts
Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace____
How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning
The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the
hardest event in Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the
development team learns about the pr...____
View on*getscrum.com*
Preview by Yahoo____
* George Dinwiddie * http://blog.gdinwiddie.com
Software Development http://www.idiacomputing.com
Consultant and Coach http://www.agilemaryland.org
hnuttle@associaonline.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-10 16:46:19 UTC
Agree, shorter sprints keep all the team focused more closely. And what a few of you have mentioned - doing pre-planning grooming with a subset. Recently the 3 of us Scrum Masters were tasked to look at having processes among the 3 more formalized so that all team members (Dev, PO, SM, QA) know what to expect.

That discussion led to a Definition of Ready. This led me to google and we found this exercise very productive and allowed us SM's to narrow down and pinpoint pressure points we seem to have. http://agilecomplexificationinverter.blogspot.com/2011/09/exercise-definition-of-done.html http://agilecomplexificationinverter.blogspot.com/2011/09/exercise-definition-of-done.html

Kudos to David Koontz! I see he also references George's Definition of Ready and the Three Amigos.

Hope that helps!

Charles Bradley - Professional Scrum Trainer and Coach chuck-lists2@emailchuck.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-07-10 23:36:35 UTC
Eduardo, I also have some Sprint Planning tips you might find useful:
In addition, I find that doing weekly Product Backlog Refinement makes Sprint Planning meetings go MUCH MUCH faster, like super fast. More info here:
Best of luck!  -------
Charles Bradley
Chief Executive Officer
Professional Scrum Trainer
Agile Software - Training, Consulting, Coaching

From: "***@gmail.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 9:41 PM
Subject: [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT] Scrum Sprint Planning - How to run a really good one?

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Hello Team.

The most difficult meeting in Scrum, in my opinion, is the Sprint Planning.
To mitigate this situations I am using some tips that i learned during the last 4 years that I am running Scrum.

I would like to share it with you and get your opinion about it, and of course, if you could give me more tips.

Here is the article i wrote: How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Meeting - Valuable Tips and Shortcuts

Please, tell me your considerations and extra tips.
Hugs and Peace

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| | | | How to make a Really Good Scrum Sprint Planning Mee... The Sprint Planning Meeting is very important and the hardest event in Scrum, in my opinion. In this event the development team learns about the pr... | |
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