kategriggz@yahoo.com [SCRUMDEVELOPMENT]
2015-03-03 20:14:44 UTC
I've written a Manage the Growing Pains of Scaling an Agile Team | 352 Blog http://www.352inc.com/blog/manage-the-growing-pains-of-scaling-an-agile-team/ detailing an experience I've had scaling a scrum team. I'd love to hear your thoughts, and I'm really interested to see how you've managed to scale an agile team effectively. Here's a preview of the post below:
One of the biggest challenges of developing a digital product is accepting that your core development team may not be enough to get a complex product out the door quickly. Agile and scrum provide a framework for lean development, but what happens when itâs time to ramp up production from proof of concept to large-scale digital product?
Itâs dangerous to assume that the same team patterns will be appropriate at every size of product development. For instance, you may think that if a core team includes two designers and two back-end developers, then a team three times that size must have six designers and six developers to deliver three times more.
Unfortunately, that is rarely the case for teams that need to rapidly scale production. Itâs one of the dangers inherent to scrum: what works for an established agile team may not work when you need to expand.
Manage the Growing Pains of Scaling an Agile Team | 352 ... http://www.352inc.com/blog/manage-the-growing-pains-of-scaling-an-agile-team/ One of the biggest challenges of developing a digital product is accepting that your core development team may not be enough to get a complex product ou...
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One of the biggest challenges of developing a digital product is accepting that your core development team may not be enough to get a complex product out the door quickly. Agile and scrum provide a framework for lean development, but what happens when itâs time to ramp up production from proof of concept to large-scale digital product?
Itâs dangerous to assume that the same team patterns will be appropriate at every size of product development. For instance, you may think that if a core team includes two designers and two back-end developers, then a team three times that size must have six designers and six developers to deliver three times more.
Unfortunately, that is rarely the case for teams that need to rapidly scale production. Itâs one of the dangers inherent to scrum: what works for an established agile team may not work when you need to expand.
Manage the Growing Pains of Scaling an Agile Team | 352 ... http://www.352inc.com/blog/manage-the-growing-pains-of-scaling-an-agile-team/ One of the biggest challenges of developing a digital product is accepting that your core development team may not be enough to get a complex product ou...
View on www.352inc.com http://www.352inc.com/blog/manage-the-growing-pains-of-scaling-an-agile-team/
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